
Jupiter Farms: Backyard chickens

Jupiter Farms means freedom...freedom from restrictive HOA covenants and the freedom to do as you please.  People move here primarily for this reason and for the large home sites.

One of the things you can do here is own backyard chickens.  With the current sustainability craze, owning chickens is quite the in thing to do.  If you own them, you will learn about their laying habits.

One of which is they lay best when the weather is great, just like it has been this weekend.  Once the really hot weather of the summer is upon us, the number of eggs laid daily will really drop off. Here's a sample of what I picked up yesterday.

Unless you have tried the real cage free eggs you haven't really tasted how good an egg can be.  And those from backyard chickens are much lower in cholesterol than those from industrial production farms and you can supplement their diet with flax to boost Omega 3 in your diet.

If Jupiter Farms sounds like the kind of place you would like to live and are thinking of moving here, let me show you the best deals and locations.  Since this is a 16 square mile area, there are plenty of things to know before you buy.  I have lived here for the last 15 years and can be reached at 561-762-4073.