Jupiter Farms is a great place to live! We have no restrictive HOA rules, plenty of room to ride and quarter horses or backyard chickens (try that in Abacoa!), plenty of wildlife and lots of trees. Although the hurricanes of 2004, Frances and Jean, took down hundreds if not thousands of trees, we still have plenty and since the power wires on not buried out here, the trees have to be trimmed periodically.
So one of the largest companies that handles clearing for utility lines has been working in the Farms. Today, I watched from my home office as they trimmed the pines that line the front of my house.
Jupiter Farms tree trimming
This crew was very efficient and stopped, did their work and were gone in probably under 30 minutes. I watched in amazement as the trimmer maneuvered his bucket between the power lines to get to my trees.
Richard Sites |
If you are looking for a home here in the Farms, I have lived here 12 years and can show you the best locations and some great values. You can reach me at 561-762-4073 or if you prefer email use coastalflrealestate@gmail.com. If you would like to search yourself, the fastest MLS search available can be found at
Coastal Florida Real Estate.
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